history of various towns and places in Barotseland

history of various towns and places in Barotseland, Here's a summary:
1. Mongu - named after abundant pumpkins (Mungu) in the area.
2. Senanga - means "river bank" due to its location on the Zambezi river.
3. Kaoma - originally UPA ngoma, named after the Nkoya people; renamed Kaoma in 1964.
4. Kalabo - named after a small paddling stick (Kalabo) used by Namenda.
5. Sesheke - means "I cannot laugh" due to a historical event involving Chief Mwanamwale.
6. Shangombo - means "one who owns goats" or "Father to Ngombo".
7. Lukulu - named after King Lewanika's statement "Litunga lwange likulu" ("my land is big").
8. Sioma - named after the Lozi word Lioma, meaning the Litunga's royal drum.
9. Kafue - named after the ILA word Chiubwe, meaning a river with many hippos.
10. Itezhi Tezhi - means "the water is full" or "slippery rock".
11. Zambezi - named after the Zambezi river, previously called Balovale.
12. Livingstone - named after David Livingstone, who first saw Victoria Falls.
13. Nalolo - named after "man'ele" (Maolo), used to build Princess Makwibi's palace.
14. Luampa - declared a district in 2012.
15. Mwandi - declared a district in 2013.
16. Sikongo - declared a district in 2012.
17. Mitete - declared a district in 2012.
18. Nkeyema - declared a district in 2013.
19. Mulobezi - means "sleeping".
20. Limulunga - means "place of rumors".

Additionally, the text explains the origins of other place names, such as:

- Katima Mulilo - "quench the fire"
- Nangweshi - "spears"
- Sefula - "French" (after Paris missionaries)
- Namushakande - named after a woman who cultivated sweet potatoes
- Matebele - "land of the Ndebele people"
- Lealui - "for the Luyi" (Luyana word)
- Soli sa Mbeta - "wife of the King"
- Makono - "baby rapper" or "chitenge baby rapper"

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