Nayuma habour is the docking destination for the Nalikwanda boat that ferries The Litunga and his belongings from Lialui Royal Village to Nayuma habour in Limulunga Royal Village during Kuomboka Ceremony.
The above event is known as Kuomboka getting out of water, usually it takes place in April when the water levels are high in the Barotse Plains and life becomes unbearable.
The Litunga then leads his people to the upper dry land, this old traditional ceremony that has existed for hundreds of years what is called Kuomboka "Getting out of Water"
Thousands of local and foreign tourists fall on themselves on there way to Barotseland to watch this world class ceremony!
Usually the Nalikwanda is paddled by close to two hundred strong Lozi men wearing traditional regalia and paddle The Litunga in a seven hours Journey from Lialui Royal Village the summer capital to Limulunga Royal Village the winter Capital.