1. Learn a relevant skill
- it doesn't matter the university you went to or didn't go, the best way to make money is by having a skill that is relevant to a lot of people. 

- skills like technology skills, problem solving skills, plumbing, carpentry, electronics repair, etc. 

- to learn such a skill you will need to invest your time and money into acquiring it. Nothing worthwhile comes free. 

- you can enrol into a college that teaches that skill, you can find someone who already practices that skill and pay them to teach you.
- you can invest your time to watching YouTube videos about that skill and read books and articles.

2. Learn the business side of that skill
- knowing a skill very well as nothing to do with making a lot of money with that skill. There are a lot of skilled people who are broke. Simply because they do not understand how to monetize their skill effectively. 

- just because you can cut hair does not mean you can start a barbershop business that thrives, all you will start is a barbershop job that requires you to be around for you to make any money. 

- to every skill there exists a business side. Once you understand the business side of that skill then you will be ready to make money. 

- your skill is only 15%, to have a successful business you need to understand the 85% that is required to run a business. 

- things like how to attract clients, how to satisfy them, how to connect with suppliers, etc.

3. Become an expert in your field
- people like to do business with the perceived experts of certain fields. Your job will be to establish yourself as an expert using social media platforms. 

- start by sharing free tips and ideas on your socials. Talk about your skill. How it fulfills you. 

- talk about what makes you unique from those who practice that same skill. 

- the more you talk about your skill and the kind of problems you can solve with it, you will begin to build an audience that is interested in the things that you are involved in. This is the best way of building an audience that can be turned into customers.

4. Use it to solve problems 
- to make yourself people's expert, you need to start using your acquired skill to solve people's problems. 

- start with those closest to you, start with your church, then go on social media and post your experiences solving those problems with your skill. 

- the more problems you solve the more people will perceive you as an expert in your field.

5. Make yourself visible
- no matter how good you are, if you're not foundable you will remain broke. I know a lot of great storytellers, graphic designers but they are the best kept secret hence they remain broke because they are not visible to people who need their services. 

- they believe in working in secret and letting the success make the noise. I wonder how success will come when you're the best kept secret and no one has heard about you. If you can't bring attention to you or the business you will remain broke. 

- the squeaky wheel gets the grease

6. Show results first
- before people can trust you with their money you need to prove to them that you can get stuff done. Make videos of you solving a problem with your skill, do a livestream and take questions from your audience.

7. Monetize your skill
- after you have built a quality audience its time to start monetizing your skill. 

- start building products that you can sell to your audience 
- create programs where you can train others to acquire that skill
- create digital books based on your skill
- create mentorship programs

8. Market the hell out of it 
- once you have things in order its time to go full force and shameless market your products and services to your targed customers. 

- get influencers to advertise your products 
- pay for tv and Facebook ads
- get tshirts printed with your services on it and give them to customers
- create a marketing system that makes people aware of your products and services everyday.

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