How the Name Hopani came about

How the name hopani came about.
In the year 1872 when David Livingstone and the British missionaries were moving from Zimbabwe heading northwards towards the Mongu, they were so tired, thirsty and hungry. Upon reaching mongu, they met some Lozi chaps Nyambe and Mubita and asked for water and food. The lozi chaps gave them water and told them to wait so that a meal is prepared for them. The two lozi chaps went to hunt and brought home a Giant monitor 🦎 Lizard to prepare for the missionaries and David Livingstone. After cooking this delicious 🦎 Lizard, the lozi chaps wanted to serve the meat in small plates, upon seeing the meat, the hungry and tired white missionaries quickly shouted, just bring the "WHOLE PAN" here. The lozi chaps upon hearing "whole pan" , they thought that was the name of the monitor lizard, hence from there on they started calling it "HOPANI". 

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