INJURY SCAPEGOAT: Hazel Nali Thrown Out Of Copper Queens Camp For Leading "Mutiny" Over Daily Allowances


 INJURY SCAPEGOAT: Hazel Nali Thrown Out Of Copper Queens Camp For Leading "Mutiny" Over Daily Allowances 

... Nali And Grace Chanda Were Singled Out As Ring Leaders

... Reported Knock Is Being Used As Scapegoat, But In Essence Is Retribution, For Her Stance On Player Allowances 

Copper Queens goalkeeper Hazel Nali has been sent home for allegedly leading a 'mutiny' over allowances that FAZ feel would have almost jeopardized the team's successful Euro camp.

Nali and midfielder Grace Chanda were singled out as ring leaders among the senior players who were demanding clarity on their daily allowances. 

A couple of days before Zambia played her first friendly against Ireland, the players demanded to be given their allowances some of which they claimed dated as far back as their participation at the Women's Africa Cup of Nations last July.

According to the players, those who participated at WAFCON are owed over K50, 000.

Instead of going forward with the match against Ireland, the players demanded clarity on the issues of allowances until FAZ general secretary Rueben Kamanga addressed them via a telephone call.

At that point, the players were asked to play the match and avoid a boycott after which funds would be credited to the accounts the following day.

True to the pledge by Kamanga, some funds were deposited the day after the Ireland friendly but only amounted to $500 (about K8500).

That upset the players because in their estimation, they were owed over K100, 000 in daily allowances for both WAFCON and the Europe outing.

Players are entitled to no less than $100 as daily allowances when camped outside the country.

When Nali, Grace and others questioned the amount, they were told it was all they were owed as they will receive another portion amounting to $30, 000 each for their participation from FIFA when at the tournament.

FAZ was not pleased with especially Nali and Grace who they have branded as indisciplined and a bad influence to the team. 

Although both Nali and Grace had knocks and could have been kept on the bench against Germany, FAZ decided to keep them completely out of the team.

"Hazel and Grace were very stubborn on the issue of allowances.

"They were saying we are professionals and we must be treated like that. So, when the issue of the injury came in, it was an opportunity to get rid of her.

"For what she has done for the team, she could have been treated like Barbara Banda at the Africa Cup.

"We knew that Barbara was not eligible at the Africa Cup, but she went with the delegation because she was very key in the qualifiers and we kept that team spirit.

"So, why would we treat another senior player differently who is already at the tournament? It doesn’t make sense. The bottom line is there is a feeling that she has grown big headed and has become a bad influence on the team," a highly placed source has disclosed.

Grace was also almost sent away on account of her injury but FAZ feared doing so would have exposed the scheme.

The players also questioned the rational behind FAZ sending of at least 10 women who are provincial executive committee members for the Europe tour when the expense on the delegation could have been channeled towards their allowances since the association was claiming budgetary constraints.

During the period the team was camped in Europe, batches of two to three FAZ provincial women's representatives were sent for five to seven days to be with the team instead of one or two delegation leaders who could have been with the team for the duration of the outing.

Giving the association those arguments sounded like Nali and the other players were challenging the thinking of FAZ. 

When the injury for Nali crept in, it was an opportunity for the association to send her away from the FIFA World Cup as a form of punishment and also an example to other players who would raise their voice over the allowances.

When contacted and presented with the information in this article, FAZ general Secretary Reuben Kamanga said; “Our focus is to support the player during this difficult period of rehabilitation and recovery from this injury. She needs our undivided support during these difficult times.”

FAZ National Women’s ExCo member Col. Priscilla Katoba and Mwansa Mutangama have been appointed delegation leader. They left the country under two days ago.

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