The Death of Musiwa



After Litunga Mwanawina II was forced out of the throne, there was need to install the new King but whom should they install? Mataa Sifanu suggested that Musiwa the son of Litunga Mwanawina II

should be installed as the new Litunga. But Mukubesa one of the Senior Indunas could not agree with what Mataa Sifanu

suggested. He advised the Kuta that it is better to install Lubosii Litiya so that the Litungaship shifts to the Northern Kingdom and this will again cut down the

Pride exhibited by the Southern Kingdom. Also, that should Musiwa be made the new Litunga he will not take long to revenge against the enemies of his father

by killing them all. The Kuta agreed that Lubosi be made the new Litunga and he was installed in November 1878.

However, Litunga Lubosi's life on the thrown remained insecure because of his cousin Musiwa who was ear marked by Mataa Sifanu to be installed as the Litunga. He was advised by his Indunas to order the execution of his cousin Musiwa. Some Indunas went to look for him, they found him and they brought him to Lealui. He was tied on Sausage Tree (Mupolota) outside Lealui royal village that became

to this day known as Mupolota wa Musiwa. Then preparations to execute the Prince were made. Some hoes that would be used to dig the grave and other

items to use after killing the Prince were also organized. The following day his executioners came to face him. Among them was Mahela Imwaka a childhood

friend of Musiwa, the two grew up together at the Palace during Mwanawina Il's short term reign. The following words that Musiwa used to address his executioners moved them near to tears.

"I am greeting you young men".

Musiwa greeted them. The executioners responded by clapping their hands a sign of respect to the Prince.

"You see." He continued. " Look at the way I am tied. I am unable to clap in response to you. Please don't think that I have no respect to you. Are those items you have

brought with you the ones you

will use to dispose me?" His executioners remained quiet.

"Mahela I am greeting you and you are now a grown-up man".

Said Musiwa addressing his long-time childhood friend.

The Executioners were ordered never to Spear Musiwa to death because he will die a painful death. Instead, they should

strangle him with a cloth so that he dies a dignitary death befitting a Prince. Then they got hold of him and he was strangled

to death. They buried his body under the same tree marking the end of life of whom Mataa Sifanu wanted to install as the Litunga. This unfortunate death

of Musiwa was just an example

of the assassinations  that took place in order to consolidate the position of the Litungas by then.

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